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Category: "Linux"

aircraft-manager for DELL mini 10v/9/12

  2009/08/25 19:53, 著者: , カテゴリ: Linux

There are updated ubuntu packages for DELL mini 10/10v/12/9. You can use this with improve 'airplane mode' to control switch of recharge of Battery.

In default, by entering airplane mode with aircraft-manager, you might be surprised that DELL mini don't charge battery anymore!

After you replace this package, you can easily understand behavior of aircraft-manager.

source and binary packages are followings:





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Wireless access in Japan

  08/21/09 13:27, by , Categories: Linux, Travel

Today I recieve a mail from Debian user who is about to come to Japan for business trip.
He plan to rent A2502 HSDPA wireless modem for connection.

> I saw your posting from 2008 about the A2502 and wonder if you know if
> that patch is now in the standard kernel (2.6.29-2-686, debian
> specifically:).
Yes, the patch is in the mainline kernel in Aug, 2008

> I am about to head to japan for 2 weeks of business
> travel and was looking at renting an A2502 but dont' want to if it won't
> work or if I need to get online to get patches.
I see it .

The 'Unlimited' data service need a preproetary stack software on the supported OS, Windows and Mac.
My patch support a lower layer, recognize as normal modem, but do not provide such a stack.
If you want to use 'unlimited data service', you are forced to use another OS rather than Debian Linux :-(

You may want to use Debian GNU/Linux with it, you may be charged 'EXPRESS PACKET PLAN' rate.

I recommend for you to use a wifi service such as FON, FON-livedoor, mobile point, and FREESPOT,
(cf. http://www.freespot.com/) in metropolitan area, on conbination with a data card.
Livedoor which is commercial wifi provider support FON user without charge in their service area.
A mobile-point wifi can be used by daily/2W/3M ID slip, 1000Yen/2W, sold in convenience stores, 'family mart'. http://tm.softbank.jp/wlan/famiport/index.html
It is provided on many public building and restaurant such as stations, subways and fast food shop.

Kernel panic with ubuntu 8.04 on Dell Insprion mini 12

  2009/01/01 23:01, 著者: , カテゴリ: Linux

When trying to use cell phone modem through bluetooth connection, I got kernel panic.
It can be reproducible by "hcitool info <bdaddr>" which see nokia cell phone.

I cannot find a cause now, but similar problem have already reported on
linux-kernel-list: Kernel oops with bluetooth usb dongle .

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Free Standards Group and OSDL to merge

  01/22/07 16:47, by , Categories: Linux, Blogging

It is supprising news that the standardization organization - FSG: Free Standards Group and OSDL that known as NPO where Linus Torvalds working, go into single organizatino - The Linux Foundation.

Jim Zemlin, formely FSG CEO, becomes the CEO of new foundation.

Press said

Why The Linux Foundation Now

Since OSDL and the FSG were each formed more than six years ago, Linux has grown significantly in server, desktop, and embedded usage around the world. Moreover, the open source model has transformed development by providing faster demand-side learning, higher quality, better security, shorter development cycles, and lower prices than closed platform development models. OSDL and the FSG were important forces behind open source adoption and played key roles in preventing fragmentation of the Linux market.

For Linux to remain open and attain the greatest ubiquity possible, important services must be provided, including legal protection, standardization, promotion and collaboration. Successful proprietary software companies, for instance, do several important things well: backwards compatibility, promotion, interoperability, developer support, and more. In the voluntary and distributed world of Linux development, the industry continues to successfully use the consortia model to rapidly improve these value attributes for Linux. The Linux Foundation has been founded to help close the gap between open source and proprietary platforms, while sustaining the openness, freedom of choice and technical superiority inherent in open source software.

Japanese Govt Boosts OSS Developments(Mar, 2005)

  08/16/06 11:07, by , Categories: OSS, Linux

Over 16 month ago, IPA has catched eyes of slashdotters. The title was 'Japanese Govt Boosts OSS Developments'.

Many slashdotters had talk how govt should enforce or interact OSS activity.

IPA have accelarated the project of enforcing OSS named 'IPA OSS center'(Link in Japanese only) 1-year after slashdotters had been intersted in.
The OSS center have never published web page in English but many projects have already started. (IPA have published still a quite old page)

For example, they have launched several project such as 'Enhancement of OpenOffice.org for Japanese users', 'Study of object exchange architecture in cross-desktop environment' and 'OSS iPedia - OSS general information service includes case study, performance evaluation, and Q&A service.'

The first one, Openoffice.org enhancement, is the continous project with feasibility test by Ninomiya local-govt. It focuses Japanese users by researching requirement/comments from users especially from local-govt. After then the project make technical description of recommended features and will propose the features to OpenOffice.org developers.

Most interesting one is 'the kernel message database'. They try to create the web database service that user can search the messages linux kernel warned and can see the place of the problem and recommended actions.
It includes all messages of linux kernel source and public service.
At start time, it is only in Japanese but they have the plan to extend internationalize and to help developers / users in the world.

Desktop Developers' Conference day-2

  07/21/05 23:52, by , Categories: Linux


  • Hardware Accelerated indirect rendaering is unsuppoerted. - want to load "client-side" DRI drivers in the server - interface between libglx and libGLcore(in server) is very differnet from interface between libGL and DRI driver(in client)
  • new generation XML configuration and code-generation.
  • Labor not cleanly divided between libglx and libGLcore - creation of GL visuals and drivers's internal representation mixed togher - reflects the pre-pbuffer nature of the code
    - entire process is very convoluted.

  • Generate server side glx protocol code - solution: use same XML to generate the server side protocol code/ can generate up to 26000 of 30000 lines of server side protcol code. addtion: server side optimization.

  • dispach table to call GL funtions. - it reduce size and load time. same as client-side.
  • impacted server side code. non-unix libGLcore implementations.
    eache change to interface will break non-unix libGLcore implementation. darwin / cygwin ports must use dispatch table and new API.

  • IHV support. ML, keep aware of future API changes.- old interface is removed in X.org 7.0.

CodeFest Japan 2005

  05/16/05 00:01, by , Categories: OSS, Linux

FSIJ announced CodeFest Japan 2005 (only in Japanese).

I want to join it and hack kernel ACPI subsystem and IIIMF issue.

It is over-night hacker event that will be held first time in Japan. Recently in Asia-OSS and Beijing OSS Week, primary sponsor San-Wah and AIST held a Beijing CodeFest. I was also there at that time, but participated only 1-hour.

I had also been Korea at 3rd Dec. 2004 to attend to Northasia OSS promotion Forum. At same time and same place, CodeFest 2004 Korea had been held.

Every time, I had been recommended to join there by Mr. gNiibe, one of FSIJ leaders.


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