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PATRICIA trieの論文
ACMで調べてみた。ACMは、Digital Libraryですべての論文や学会誌、さらには一般書籍まで読み放題で大変お徳だ。
PATRICIA—Practical Algorithm To Retrieve Information Coded in Alphanumeric
Source Journal of the ACM (JACM) archive
Volume 15 , Issue 4 (October 1968) table of contents
Pages: 514 - 534
Year of Publication: 1968
Author Donald R. Morrison Sandia Laboratory, Computer Science, Division 5256, Albuquerque, New Mexico
ACM Press New York, NY, USA
Additional Information:ABSTRACT
PATRICIA is an algorithm which provides a flexible means of storing, indexing, and retrieving information in a large file, which is economical of index space and of reindexing time. It does not require rearrangement of text or index as new material is added. It requires a minimum restriction of format of text and of keys; it is extremely flexible in the variety of keys it will respond to. It retrieves information in response to keys furnished by the user with a quantity of computation which has a bound which depends linearly on the length of keys and the number of their proper occurrences and is otherwise independent of the size of the library. It has been implemented in several variations as FORTRAN programs for the CDC-3600, utilizing disk file storage of text. It has been applied to several large information-retrieval problems and will be applied to others.
PATRICIA trieの実装例
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